Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 2.2 Let's go Paris!

Week2 student life -->Paris, weapon museum, national assembly , Poland ambassador, tour Eiffel, Orsay museum, bilisique de sancre-coeur, notre dame de paris, musé des arts et métiers

My first time travels in Paris. It seems that we can find a historic are easily no matter where we go.Though we get lost, we can't find Champs-Elysées, wé still pass by so many magnificent places such as petit palais and arc de triomphe.

In the first day, we tried to find the Palais de l'Élysée but we didn't find it even we asked many people... We just passed by different places, saw the arc de triomphe, musée de découverte etc.  At least we saw many wonderful architectures. When we went to the musée d'Orsay, we visited the Poland ambassador. The building is constructed by Monaco's loyalty. It is pretty beautiful and classic. We tasted blanquette in a restaurant which the boss could speak English well and he chatted with us, even though he knew Taiwan because Tchang took many treasures from China to Taiwan. It's a little bit embarrassing... But, come on, it's just history. And then we went to the national assembly. Still, beautiful and classic. Can't imagine the feeling of having a conference there. The painting on the wall is vivid. Even saw the  Delacroix's painting. Because it was quite hot when we were lining up, Ka took out his umbrella no matter how girly he thought it was. But he kept saying "I don't care looking girly", " look , that guys took an umbrella, too."etc. Well, who really cares that? haha! We spent a few time in musée d'Orsay, looked the impressionist's painting, some photos about death, I liked this one , etc. It's amazing to see these paintings, which I only saw in books before. We also visited the Eiffel tower. It's nice. But I like it on photos more. After looking some classic architecture, I can understand there is some French who don't like Eiffel tower. It  totally belongs to industry style. Around Eiffel tower, we bought some nougat. There is a similar kind of taiwanese snack. When I ate this, I felt in Taiwan. Out of curiosity, I check it on Wiki. It's the same!! After that, we went to a Chinese restaurant, the dish is delicious. I want to go that restaurant again!

-----------------Let's write some French!-----------------------

 Paris, pour moi, il semble charmant mais aussi affreux en raison de ses musées, bâtiments et son insécurité, les personnes vous demandent vos signatures etc. Mais ce weekend est les journées du partrimoins! On veux bien saiser cette chance. Donc, Paris, on y vas!

Au premier jour, on ne cherche pas les Palais de l'Élysée. On demande à quelques personnes. Et on ne réussit pas. Mais on voit beaucoup de bâtiments superbes comme l'arc de Triomphe. On vifçesite la résidence de l'amdassadeur de Pologne à Paris, Hôtel de Monaco. Le décor de la salle des Fêtes évoque l'appartement du Roi Soleil à Versailles. On dinne au restaurant que le patron peut parler en Anglais bien, Il connaît Taiwan en raison de Tchang, il porte les trésors de Chine à Taiwan. euh... c'est l'histoire...On vas aussi l'assemblée nationale . Encore un bâtiment joli et classique. Mais je vois les peintres de Delacroix, le coq et Marianne ici. J'achete un coq plastique qui est aussi bleu, rouge et blanc. Il est vraiement mignon.  Il n'y a pas trop de temps pour la musée d'Orsay. On y vas encore. À la musée d'Orsay, je vois beaucoup de peintres que j'ai vu sur les livres seulement. Et je comprends les raisons que les pentres sont célèbres. On vas aussi la tour Eiffel. J'aperçois pourquoi certains français n'aiment pas la tour Eiffel. Son style est trop industriel. Au tour de la tour Eiffel, on achete le Nougat. Je trouve qu'on a le nougat à Taiwan aussi! On dinne au restaurant chinois. C'est superbe! Je veux y aller à nouveau.

Our Facebook Page-- Coucou Je suis ici

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 2.1 Let's drink?!

Week2 Group Presentation --> trip in Clermont-FD--> Sport association --> Paris

This week, we have to prepare a presentation about ourselves and some interesting place in Clermont-FD.
For me, this presentation is more like a warm-up course.
And we are separated by differant nation. Each group is like United Nation.
Honestly, I like this arrangement.
Because of it, we must know people from defferent countries and spend a few time together to finish the preparation.
The German is organized and efficient. They are always punctual.
Even though I'm always the first one who arrive at the meeting place and I'm taiwanese. haha!
This week, we had a picnic in the park lecoq and went to the cathedral.
We even had a home party!!
I really need to get more used to alcohol.....
So, I buy a bottle of white wine, panache de cyrano and start to enter the alcohol world.
After all presentation, I get some conclusion, punctuality is really important 
and we all think the French doesn't like to speak English.
Well... I met some French who can speak well in English.
When we talk to the people of sport club, he explains to the reason that French doesn't speak in English.
It's because they are not good at it.
This weekend, I will stay in Paris. 
I know 2 days at Paris might be too short to visit all famous place.
But this weekend, we can visit the historic sites for free and some of them even only open this weekend.

Pour moi, c'est difficile de parler en anglais ensuite en français ensuite peut-être en chinois...
Mais c'est la raison que j'ai décidé de rester en France pour une année.
Je crois que  j'aurai la capabilité de ça après une année.
Cette semaine, nous sommes séparés en 6 group pour la présentation au propos de nous-même et l'endroit intéressant à Clermont-FD.
Parceque nous ne pouvons pas choisir les membres de group, le group est comme l'organisation des Nations unies. Nous venons des pays différents.
Je l'aime bien. Nous pouvons connaître les personnes étrangères.
Par exemple, l'Allemend est comme les idées reçus, il est ponctuel.
Il semble que le vin est comme la boisson non alcoolisée pour l'adult étranger.
Et moi, je ne le bois pas trop.....
Mais j'achete une bouteille de vin blanc.
Ça goûte vraiement bien!
Peut-être que je vais aimer boir du vin.
Grâce à la présentation, nous ont visité quelques endroits  comme la cethédrale et le jardin Lecoque.
J'adore le cygne.
Je participe à l'assocition du sport.
Je souhaite d'apprendre du ski ici.
Ce weekend, je vais à Paris en raison des journées européennes du patrimoines. 

Our Facebook Page- Coucou Je suis ici

Never far from love, no matter how far I'm


Day 01-02 departure day 
Taichung, Taiwan --> Taiyuan airport --> HongKong --> Paris --> Clermont-Ferrand

06.Sept. 2014, my day to go to France.
The weather is really nice in Taichung.
 My family hide their emotion.
The bus driver, the bus going to Taiyuan airport, eencourages me and chats with me.
Don't afraid of going abroad alone.
Me, to be honest, I' m not a brave girl. 
But I don't know why I don't feel any nervous about this trip.
I just feel it's a little unreal.
Will I really stay in Europe for about 1 year?