Saturday, January 24, 2015

Days in Florence, see the church and the view.

See Florence from the hill 
 I've seen many beautiful churches in Europe. And it seems that visiting churches becomes a habit during my travel. In Florence, I see my favorite 2 churches. One is Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, the  most famous one in Florence. The other is Basilica Di San Miniato a Monte.

Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore is in the center of Florence. You can just follow the crowd and arrive in front of the church. lol Near the church, there is a tower. The ticket cost about 10 euros. Because I love this style of church. I still climb up the tower, see the view and decide my next direction. Inside the church, I doesn't see many golden decorations like the ones I see in France. But this doesn't mean that it's nothing to see. Instead, it's simple but elegant. For the churches in France, we can find something interesting in windows. Here, you can find something meaningful on walls.  :)

Fake David in the parking lot, on the hill

Basilica Di San Miniato a Monte is on the hill. The view from the hill is gorgeous! There is a fake David statue in the parking lot. Frankly, it's funny. Behind and around the the Basilica,  it's churchyard. The graveyard in Europe is totally different from the ones in Taiwan. Here, you can feel the love toward the tomb's owner, you can guess what the most important things are in their life. In Taiwan, what the tomb looks like is more related to the religion. Everything in the tomb has its own reason. My dad once told me some when I was little. I didn't keep it in mind. I should keep it in mind! Or I can tell you now. 

Taichung Park
I also go to the Medici Palace, the museum which has a David in front of but no real David inside. It's a beautiful museum. You can feel the Medici family' s influence toward this city and also  see the fine drawings on the wall. Why people at that time always draw with the similar themes like seasons? Because of this museum, I know the Florence's symbol,  lion. Why the city in Europe always has its own symbol? The symbol seems to has kind of importance. Taichung is the city I am from in Taiwan. It has the symbol, too. But the importance is not like Florence's. Taichung's symbol is an architecture in Taichung park. Taichung park is the oldest park in Taiwan. 

During my stay in Florence, I meet a chinese girl. There is '' two China concept" between our chat. We think Taiwan is our own country, They always think Taiwan is just their small city. Well... it's really weird. I never know China, PRC govern Taiwan, as a Taiwanese living in Taiwan over 20 years. A city can has its own independent military, justice system etc? Come on! Don't joke. Taiwan is a real country. If you don't believe it, just go there and you will see. If you meet a Taiwanese, please don't call us Chinese. It's offensive! If you are German, I keep saying you're French. How would you feel? And don't tell us the reason, you look alike. Well... This kind of vocabulary is about the nationality! Not the appearance, understand? For us, western people looks alike, too. So, let's respect each other.  The chinese girl is  nice but how can I put up with people  who takes Taiwan as a city and knows the complex political issue between 2 countries? It's a pity to lose a chance to get long term friendship.Well... I'm pretty sure that if she keeps saying Taiwan is a city, one day, I will yield at her. So, why makes myself angry?

My Friends is the hostel I stay in Florence. The owner is really nice. She treats us like friends. The location is just near the train station. Before you get Florence, owner will send you an email to tell you how to get the hostel. Just follow what she tell you, you can find where it's easily. The only imperfect thing is there is no hot water for my last day in this hostel.

Anyway, good days in Florence. Good days in the place you're now! :)

FB page: Coucou Je suis ici
Flickr: Iron Blue
Instagram: Coucoujesuisici Instagram

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I love Rome? or I love the travelers here?

I like every morning waking up in Rome. I enjoy taking a few walk, get in a café and get a delicious bread as my breakfast. And walking randomly and finding myself just near some historical sites. In the afternoon, I like hanging out with people I met in downtown hostel, eating delicious ice cream together or seeing the beautiful Rome at night together. Life is simple and amazing. Do we really know each other  for 1 or 2 days?

I can't forget the afternoon I help make mexican food. E talks to P, Mexican, in  spanish and interpret what they talk. I don't feel awkward even though I can't understand spanish. Is people who speak spanish all like them, friendly and vigorous? The mexican food I learn isn't spicy at all. This breaks my stereotype.

I still remember the Canadian, C, who has the world map tattoo in  wrist. When I introduce Taiwan, I look at his tattoo and find Taiwan in his tattoo clearly. He even know the complex political relationship between Taiwan and China. He isn't used to kiss people's cheek to say hello. This remind me that the days I just came to France. I prefer keeping people in distance. And when shaking hand, Canadian doesn't say anything. If you keep talking, this will make Canadian feel strange. haha!

I've also met people from Philippine. When he told me that he has worked in Taiwan, I start to think some serious issues. I don't know how to react to him. Now, I just feel that I was so stupid. I should just chat with him and don't think it too much. That's enough...Next time, I want to become friends with people from Philippine and also show my appreciation, thank you for being willing to work in Taiwan and for bring your culture, delicious food here. Well... I become too serious now...

I love Rome. The reasons making me love Rome aren't just the historic sites, the delicious bread nor the delicious ice cream. It's also the travelers I meet here.

Facebook Page: Coucou Je suis ici
Flickr: Iron Blue

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Beautiful Vatican in the morning!

Part 2 in Vatican 

Vatican in the morning is beautiful. The sculptures are divine even I see 2 pigeons standing on the head. There are many people in the square waiting for the Pope like us. When hearing the Pope, I can't understand anything because I don't know spanish and latin. This makes me feel a little bit sad, paying attention on what people says but know nothing. After this, we're ahead to Rome. During the walk, I see the embassy of TAIWAN, republic of China. This is the only official embassy in Europe. Others are like bureaus. Anyway, what they do is the same. Seeing the flag flying. I'm glad accompanied by another Taiwanese. I'm touched.

viva TAIWAN!

Facebook Page: Coucou Je suis ici

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Christmas in Vatican!

Before coming to Italy, I don't know the reasons that I don't want to any research for this. I just book the hostels, decide which cities to stay and put laptop in the luggage even though it's more possible that I just get the map from the hostels and start my trip with it.

When I arrive in Italy, first thing I notice is that many people are talking on the phone while walking on the street. This scene is rarely seen in France. While I check in, the staff picks up the phone and the phone call isn't just one. The area I live in Rome is near the train station and I find out that there are many immigrants. I can find chinese characters or other languages easily. There are also many graffiti on the streets.

At night, I go to Vatican with a Chile girl,E, and a Korean boy,K, for the Mass. I'm not christian or catholic but I really want to experience this ceremony since I'm in Europe and in Vatican during Christmas. I've seen some news about Pope Francis. I like him even though he refuses to have a reunion with Dalai Lama because of the concern of the relationship with China. This makes me feel awful. For me, politics and religion should be separated. Religion is like a motion that people wants to be a better person. Politics includes the whole society from living to entertainment and every resident is included. When human has right to choose their religion, how can they be put together? There is not only one religion or one attitude toward this.

During our walk to Vatican, we find out the similarities and differences between us. In E's family, they hug each other a lot. In k's and my family, we hug each other rarely. In Korea and Taiwan, students tend to decide their major by the scores. Generally, what we learn in university is not what we want mostly. Some of us even don't know what they want or what they hate actually because they never try or think about this. Student life in senior school is all about getting higher scores. Nowadays, in Taiwan, more students know what they want before entering university and they work hard. They don't choose what to study by scores anymore. Hope this kind student can be more and more in the future. Student life in senior school should not just study hard. Studying hard is really important, but during summer or winter vacation, we should do something different. Korean man should do 2-year military service. I don't sense any complaints from K's face. Instead, it's more like a pride. Like I've done military service, I'm real adult. Compared the situation in Taiwan, man has to do 1-year military service. To be honest, we aren't willing to do this. This doesn't mean that we don't love Taiwan,we don't want to protect our country. Our complaints is because one year you can do many things as a fresh man in the society. When you do military service, you don't know what happen in the world sometimes.

During the Mass, I see many flags from south america. I can feel their love toward Pope and god. The poetry is wonderful. Even though I lack religious knowledge, italian and spanish, I feel touched when hearing people singing together.

It's a wonderful experience. And I'm lucky to know E and K during trip.

Love and Peace

FB page: Coucou je suis ici

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Snowboarding, trekking in Chamonix!

First day in Chamonix
The weather is really good! It doesn’t rain. It’s about 4 degrees. Compared to Taiwan, it’s really cold. But I don’t feel cold. Maybe it’s because the weather here is dryer. From Clermont-FD to Chamonix, it takes looooong time. Before I come here, I’ve decided to learn skiing here. However, my knee hurts. It never happens before. It’s so weird. I even tried to find a doctor for this. Well… there was no doctor available on Friday… Therefore, I only did some google search for this and learn how to stretch myself out. It works! It doesn’t hurt that much. Thanks for the one inventing Internet!

I meet 3 wonderful girls from New Zeeland! I regret that I don’t squeeze some time to visit New Zeeland when visiting Australia. Anyway, I will be there one day. It’s nice to meet them. I see an independent girl whose waist injuries but she still deals with everything on her own. I don’t see any pain appearing on her face. What a wonderful girl! If I were her, I would sleep as much as I can until I can see the doctor! Umm…I’m not wonderful…I see 2 cool, vigorous skiers. Before next vacation, I will do too much exercise or my knee tragedy may happen again…

Second day in Chamonix
I do some trekking. I always do trekking with family. This time, I do it alone. I never enjoy the view because I always talk before…lol This time, I take photos, see the beautiful view and stepping on the ice. There is only some snow on the mountains and few snow on the ground. It’s still early. But I’m satisfied. It’s not easy to see snow in Taiwan at all. Taiwan is a tropical island… Here, I can feel stepping on some snow, see the snow view and, the most important part, it’s not cold! To be honest, it’s perfect for me!

When I do trekking, I see many local people doing trekking with dogs. France is really animal-friendly. I never see mad animal and people who hate animal. When dogs stay on the train, rare dogs wear equipment to prevent them from biting people or stay in the cage. The dogs always stay beside its owner patiently.

The only shortcoming here is that the wifi in hostel and Macdonald never work…I don’t book train tickets for Italy yet…

The other backpackers call New Zeeland girls Kiwi. Umm… am I beef noodles or other specialty? Do they know bubble tea from Taiwan? Anyway, just don’t call me sushi. I can’t speak any Japanese…

Third day in Chamonix- learned snowboarding, next parachute?
Snowboard day! Even though I’ve decided not to do any snow sport, I still go to the ski school and ask some information. And I ahead to the trekking place. I don’t want to do trekking anymore! I start to find shop to rent the equipment. The snowboard is rare than ski board… I go to 3 shop and find the most suitable one, not expensive, not too far from ski school etc.

It is private lesson. The group lesson isn’t available this afternoon. Umm…I can learn it faster in private lesson, right? It’s interesting lesson! I learn to do some cross and turn. It’s not difficult but need more practice. If you play skateboard, it would be easier. After this class, I want to play skateboard! Last time I played skateboard is my first time to play skateboard. Haha… Skateboarding is totally different from inline skating… I learn inline skating by myself. But I can’t learn skateboarding on my own… it’s weird or normal? This time, with a coach, the situation is better! I should stay here for whole vacation!! Maybe I should study here!

I send postcards to family and friends, too. This reminds me that I forget to contact friends in Rome!! There is always friends in hostel, right? T.T

3 days in Chamonix, I speak 3-day English.

*total cost for learning snowboarding: about 200 euros (include the snowboard, jacket, pants etc.)
*the beer of Chamonix: Chamonix de blond (if I don't remember it incorrectly)

la fête des lumières à Lyon!

la fête des lumières à Lyon!
久違了! 里昂燈節! 這也是我第一次踏進里昂這個城市,里昂燈節把城市變成了大型遊樂場,不只是美麗的燈,還有不少互動的設計,像是依照人的體溫變化的燈景。雖然聽友人說里昂燈節一年不如一年,但是我還是很喜歡里昂燈節,很喜歡它不只是美麗還有很多互動可以玩的設計,相較於台灣的燈節,台灣的燈節真的是太靜態了! 希望我們可以有更多的巧思。
Bonsoir à Lyon!
C'est mon premier fois à Lyon. Je vais à Lyon pour la fête des lumières. Beaucoup de gens y vont. Notre train est en retard... trop tard...La fête est très jolie et intéressante! Nous oublions de rester dans le train en plus 1 heure... En comparaison de la fête des lumières à Lyon, la fête à Taiwan est moins intéressante parce que nous seulement voyons les lumières...